Throwing Dude Space Camp – Different Genders in an Avatar Profile NFT – Join TDSC Waitlist
TORONTO, Aug. 20, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — A revolutionary PFP NFT called Throwing Dude Space Camp (TDSC) is launching in the Fall. 10,000 NFTs will be available. TDSC features next level art, astonishing rarity, and a ground-breaking road map. Click here to join the waitlist.
Gyro Plasmic (pseudonym), Founder of TDSC says; “we thought it was important that our Dudes have the full array of gender opportunities, so we experimented quite a bit in development until we found a way to make this happen as a value add to our Dudes. We feel strongly that removing these limitations makes the generative art process even more random, surprising, and magical. We can hardly wait to see our 10,000 Throwing Dudes.” http://throwingdudespacecamp.com/
Achieving The Different Genders of he/him, she/her, they/them
We discovered how to create different gender identities within our universe of 10,000 Dudes. Our Throwing Dudes will be he/him, she/her, and they/them. We will also achieve greater rarity through the processes of constraining and information is randomly included with our Dudes. With over 75 throwing objects, rarity is deeper versus the other PFP NFT projects. Join our waitlist.
Innovating Sports with Sci-Fi and Vice Versa
TDSC is about living the creative inspired life. TDSC will push the boundaries of what is possible for a PFP NFT and will have a lot of fun doing it.
Bringing The Representation of Action to PFP NFTs
We believe quarterbacks have the best throwing motion and we integrated that into all our Dudes. Since our Dudes are from across our Universe, some of their capabilities go way beyond just throwing mere earthly objects and include galactic and even mythical throwing. Click for TDSC waitlist.
Long Term Orientation Towards Roadmap
We are in it for the long haul and as TDSC gets resourced through revenue, we plan to introduce many benefits to the Throwing Dude Space Camp membership, which may potentially include: our 57 planets art reveal, exclusive member merchandise, space camping festival under our aurora borealis, release of space camp song anthem and more.
PFP NFT Dudes Arriving Fall 2022
Click here to join the Throwing Dude’s waitlist.
Throwing Dude Space Camp (TDSC) is owned and operated by QaQaQ Inc.
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SOURCE Throwing Dude Space Camp