MetaBomber: The Retro Blockchain Game We All Need
Singapore – (Newscall PR – April 01, 2022) – Remember the awesome games back in the days when 8-bit console gaming was cutting edge? Side scrollers, puzzles, and RPGs dominated the games in that era and they all had flat, blocky, and simplistic color characteristics. High definition wasn’t even a thought and every character and level had the signature grainy look to it. The synthesized electronic instrumentals and simplistic digital sounds were not only nostalgic but in many ways considered symphonies in the ‘80s. If you grew up during this time and were into any type of gaming, you know exactly what this means.
These days, 8-bit games live on through console emulators that are frequently played within the niche retro gaming communities. Though retro gaming is alive and well it is only through these communities “in the know” that they are prevalent. However, with the meteoric rise of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology in the past few years, we are undoubtedly transitioning into the next generation of technological prowess. This brings about innovations in the gaming industry as well as P2E gaming has exploded into the mainstream through games such as Axie Infinity.
All technology moves forward at lightning speeds and blockchain gaming is no different. There are plenty out there that have all the bells and whistles: high definition 3D graphics, play-to-earn mechanics, metaverse immersions, and NFT ecosystems. Sure they look and play great but are there any that cater to the retro crowd? What if there was an 8-bit style game that had the best elements of current blockchain gaming? Wonder no more because MetaBomber is the NFT game that will put retro gaming on the blockchain map!
MetaBomber Brings Nostalgia To Blockchain Gaming
At the height of the original Nintendo Entertainment System (NES), strategic puzzle games like Tetris, Dr. Mario, and Bomberman were all the craze. My personal favorite was Bomberman because it not only had a lot of action, but it was simple and challenging all at the same time. The best part was strategically placing the bombs so that the fire explosions would destroy a couple of monsters at the same time – ah, the memories! The gameplay was simple, you placed bombs so you can destroy enemies while knocking down walls to inch towards the exit. Advance to the next level, rinse and repeat. MetaBomber not only taps into this nostalgia but it infuses the gameplay with components of the latest and greatest features of blockchain gaming.
MetaBomber is based on the original Bomberman and it has the familiar gameplay, graphics, and nostalgic feel to it but that’s where the similarities end. This is due to the infusion of blockchain gaming mechanics, token economics, and an NFT marketplace into the game. Imagine playing through the levels with your character but as you progress, you not only level up with various gaming stats, but you can also earn token rewards ($MBOMB) as you play. Here’s the kicker, these tokens work as an in-game currency which can then be used to buy more characters on the NFT marketplace.
What’s innovative here is that you can actually buy, trade, and sell your NFTs just as in any other marketplace and make a profit! Additionally, MetaBomber’s auto-reflection feature allows token holders to earn just by holding $MBOMB tokens! Passive income while playing games? Awesome! Sign me up! Let’s take a look at how all of this works.
Getting Started
To begin the game players will need to unlock one of the characters using a key that costs 100 $MBOMB tokens. You are essentially paying to play, however, this is a small price to pay to become part of the gaming community and potentially make returns that will easily surpass the initial starting costs. The playable characters represent the small army of kids that MetaBomber (the main character) has recruited in a quest to fight the evil scientist called The Professor. Each kid is equipped with a personalized suit that reflects popular superheroes that we’re all familiar with.
MetaBomber is the main character and he sports a shiny grey armored knight suit. The others that join him on this quest include Mario, Spongebob, Pikachu, Iron Man, Darth Vader, and Homer Simpson just to name a few. Make sure to check them all out and choose wisely because the roster is a big one with a current count of fourteen playable characters. Each has its strengths and weaknesses so as you play through the game you’ll realize that some characters are better suited for certain situations and levels. This is because every character not only looks unique but their strength, agility, and vitality are as well.
With each character, you can also find different rarities associated with them. The default rarity is called “common”. As you progress through the game, you’ll encounter more and more rare characters (ie. uncommon, rare, epic, legend, and mythic). It’s important to watch out for these rare characters because if you own one, they could be worth a pretty penny in the NFT marketplace (more on this later). Playing with different rare characters allows you to enjoy specially enhanced stats so you’ll have an edge over the “common” one. This could mean the range of the bomb explosion is longer with one and having more bombs at your disposal in another.
Game Modes
Story mode is the default game mode where you work through each level sequentially, just like the original Bomberman game. Killing enemies while paving your way through walls is the main mission plan to complete the stage. During this time as you’re nuking the enemies using your arsenal of bombs, $MBOMB tokens will be rewarded to you – so make sure to kill all the enemies if you want to power up to more rare characters sooner.
As the game progresses, each level becomes increasingly more difficult, with the maze of obstacles becoming more complicated along with stronger and faster enemies coming after you. Be careful though, because the enemies fight back and they won’t stop until you are dead! Should your stamina become depleted, you’ll need to rest before you can go back and fight. This means your stamina will slowly rebuild as you are taking a rest.
Player vs Player (PvP) Mode is also an option if you want to play with your friends and battle each other out in a fight to the death. It’s a “winner takes all” type of reward mechanics here – whoever wins the battle will get rewarded with a prize. As with any fighting game, you’ll need to understand the enemy well and it helps to know their strengths and weaknesses.
NFT Marketplace
MetaBomber stands out from the retro game crowd because of its NFT marketplace. If you’re a collector of digital art NFTs, you will be pleased to find that MetaBomber has its own set of characters that you can purchase using $MBOMB tokens. What makes this interesting is that you can trade a character with another either with your friend or a buyer in the marketplace. The marketplace creates the price of the characters depending on the supply and demand of that specific character.
It’s important to watch the marketplace closely to see if there’s any buying opportunity because if you find the right NFT with the right price, it could pay dividends at a later date. Some players may choose to collect the NFTs but others may simply trade them with a higher specification to advance higher in the game. There’s definitely collectability and strategy built into MetaBomber’s NFT marketplace which makes the game that much more enjoyable.
MetaBomber’s community is developing into a strong one, especially since they all have shared gaming nostalgia. This translates to an active community where buying, trading, and selling happen frequently – which is important for the token economy. The $MBOMB token can be used as in-game currency, but it can also be used to earn passive income. MetaBomber’s auto-reflection feature is a game-changer because token holders will automatically be redistributed to your Metamask wallet.
The amount distributed is based on the trading volume of the $MBOMB token. Once the rewards pool up to a certain threshold, they will automatically be distributed. To track the amount that you’ve gained, all you have to do is simply view it on the website’s dashboard. The amount that is distributed is proportional to the size of the bag you hold. So that means, the more tokens you hold, the more rewards you’ll receive!
MetaBomber Is Blasting Its Way To The Top!
There are so many good things that are going on with MetaBomber. They have the nostalgic factor from the 8-bit era, fun gameplay that parallels one of the greatest action-puzzle games Bomberman, an NFT marketplace that breeds rare collectibles trading and commerce, while at the same time providing a pathway for gamers to earn while they play and hold. Not just that, they are LISTED IN EXCHANGE BEFORE LAUNCH!! “Just wow” is an understatement. Get in while it is hot because the sooner you start, the better your chances of finding those rare collectibles and the better positioned you are to start earning some passive income.
$MBOMB Contact Info
Website: www.metabomber.io
Telegram: http://t.me/metabombertoken
Telegram channel: http://t.me/metabomberchannel
Twitter: http://twitter.com/metabombertoken
Medium: www.metabombertoken.medium.com
Instagram: http://instagram.com/metabomber.token
Discord: http://discord.gg/hjYfxkdmbZ
Reddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/metabombertoken/
GAME DEMOs ARE OUT NOW! Try it out here: http://metabomber.io/game
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