Crypto Blockchain Industries (CBI): A first limited offering of NFTs for the Atari virtual world in Alphaverse, the CBI metaverse
Crypto Blockchain Industries (CBI):
A first limited offering of NFTs for the Atari virtual world in Alphaverse, the CBI metaverse
CRYPTO BLOCKCHAIN INDUSTRIES (CBI, Euronext Growth Paris: FR00140062P9, ALCBI) is launching a limited NFT release of properties in CBI’s Atari branded AlphaVerse virtual neighborhood, , set within CBI’s core AlphaVerse Metaverse product.
AlphaVerse is making available a total of 40 virtual flats within their Atari Alphaverse as NFTs, which will exist within the core AlphaVerse and will be located in the Atari AlphaVerse virtual neighborhood. These NFTs will be available for sale via Opensea.io and Venly, with 20 NFTs on Opensea available only against Atari tokens, and 20 on Venly available against WETH.
These first sales will be made through an auction process ending on December 23, 2021. More Atari Alphaverse branded NFTs will be released early 2022, on Binance Smart Chain.
AlphaVerse, the core Metaverse product from CBI, is set for a summer 2022 launch and will feature various universes focusing on music, artists, and brands, including an Atari branded AlphaVerse virtual neighborhood.
Founded by Frédéric Chesnais, previously Chairman-CEO and principal shareholder of flagship gaming company Atari, and set for a summer 2022 launch, AlphaVerse will allow for the seamless integration of NFTs and blockchain-based technology products within various forms of entertainment. AlphaVerse is built to be a centralized hub of Metaverse universes (or virtual neighborhoods), where consumers can purchase parcels of land, buildings, homes, and other virtual elements presented as NFTs, which ensure secure transactions and safe digital ownership.
For more information about AlphaVerse, investors and fans can visit www.cbicorp.io or www.alphaverse.com and follow them on Telegram, Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.
CRYPTO BLOCKCHAIN INDUSTRIES (“CBI”) is a French company that develops, operates and invests in video games, business applications and selected projects relating to the blockchain, non-fungible tokens (“NFTs”) and cryptocurrencies. Founded by Frédéric Chesnais, a renowned gaming industry entrepreneur and blockchain pioneer, CBI aims to develop and unlock value from a portfolio of blockchain activities across multiple industries (video games, finance, logistics, etc.) with a view to capitalizing on this technology, either directly or through partnerships. CBI has already made several investments and is currently developing AlphaVerse, a blockchain technology-based virtual world or metaverse that will be opening in summer 2022. CBI has been admitted to trading on the EI compartment (qualified investors) of the Euronext Growth Paris market since October 26, 2021. Learn more at www.cbicorp.io.
CBI products are created and offered by Crypto Blockchain Industries, SA, an independent licensee of Atari Interactive, Inc. The CBI products have not been authorized or sponsored by Atari, SA or its affiliates.
© 2021 Atari VCS, LLC. © 2021 Atari Interactive, Inc. Atari wordmark and logo are trademarks of Atari Interactive, Inc. in the US and other countries. All rights reserved.
CBI Frédéric Chesnais Chairman and CEO fredchesnais@cbicorp.io www.cbicorp.io www.news@cbicorp.io |
Listing Sponsor Atout Capital Rodolphe Ossola rodolphe.ossola@atoutcapital.com |
Financial Communications Calyptus Gregory Bosson +33 (0)1 53 65 68 68 cbi@calyptus.net |