Roche Freedman LLP and Selendy & Gay PLLC Allege, in Class Action Lawsuit, That KuCoin Illegally Made EOS and TRX Available for Trading
NEW YORK, Nov. 17, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Roche Freedman LLP and Selendy & Gay PLLC, law firms that represent clients in some of the most significant disputes in the crypto space, are pursuing a class-action lawsuit against KuCoin, a crypto-exchange, in federal court in New York.
The lawsuit alleges that KuCoin illegally made securities available for trading on its unregistered exchange. The lawsuit further alleges that KuCoin’s customers who purchased in domestic U.S. transactions are entitled to rescind transactions in certain unregistered digital securities on KuCoin from April 1, 2019, to the present. The court may permit investors to recover their losses for transactions on KuCoin in EOS and TRX during that time.
If you traded in EOS or TRX on KuCoin from the United States at any time after April 1, 2019, we encourage you to contact Kyle Roche (kyle@rochefreedman.com) or Edward Normand (enormand@rochefreedman.com) at Roche Freedman LLP, or Jordan Goldstein (jgoldstein@selendygay.com) at Selendy & Gay PLLC.
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SOURCE Roche Freedman LLP