ORPHEUM Property, Inc. Corrects Release Regarding Crypto Tokens
CHARLOTTE, N.C., March 23, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — ORPHEUM Property, Inc. (OTC: PLFF) (the “Company”), a Delaware corporation, issued a release on March 11, 2022, providing an Update on Tokens which requires the following correction:
Update on Tokens
In October 2021, the Company published a release reporting that it had contracted to receive $25,000,000 in XUSD Prime (XUSDP) crypto coins, offset by a Convertible Note for the tokens being developed by the Company. The Company received 31,911 XUSDP coins that began marketing in late 2021 at a rate exceeding the purchase price paid. The Company subsequently sold 5,000 XUSDP coins to a related party in early 2022 in exchange for a Promissory Note in the amount of $5,000,000.
The Company is also currently working with RoRa Corp to develop its own tokens based on the RoRa Prime platform and using its own assets. RoRa Corp has no relation to or affiliation with XUSD Blockchain Holdings and has no contracts or other agreements using XUSD coins.
About RoRa Corp:
RoRa Corp, based in Ciudad de Mexico, is a collection of disruptors who have embraced blockchain technology in order to identify and eliminate the existing inefficiencies and outdated processes that have plagued previous models. The firm was founded by bankers, cryptocurrency specialists, Fintech consultants, and other alternative investment experts. RoRa Corp is paving the way for digital monetization, allowing asset holders and financial institutions to buy and profit from stable coins and gold coins for their assets. RoRa’s objective is to provide one million investors and high-quality asset holders the opportunity to benefit from the economic prosperity that a blockchain future promises.
Forward-Looking Statements:
Statements herein express management’s beliefs and expectations regarding future performance and are forward-looking and involve risks and uncertainties, including, but not limited to, raising working capital and securing other financing, responding to competition and other risks. Actual results may differ materially from such forward-looking statements.